Pre/postnatal Physical Therapy
What is pre/postnatal physical therapy?
During pregnancy and postpartum, changes in
the body and function of the pelvic floor muscles can lead to issues such as leaking, core weakness, or pain. If you
are experiencing changes in this area related to pregnancy or postpartum, you are in the
RIGHT place!
We have a team of highly dedicated and compassionate practitioners who focus on treating
pre/postnatal situation. We know that recovery is not one size fits all and healing
requires a whole body approach. Whether you’re dealing with Diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA), tearing during delivery or a post Cesarian section, we strive to make physical therapy as comfortable as possible. All this, while offering a convenient and accessible so that we can spend our time focusing on
you and your goals.
Offering services in:
Diagnoses we treat include:
Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction
Painful/tight C-Section scarring
Diastasis Recti Abdominis
Painful/tight episiotomy scarring
Low back/hip pain associated with pregnancy/delivery
core or pelvic floor weakness
abdominal separation or diastasis recti
Cesarean section recovery/scar mobility
Episiotomy recovery/scar mobility
bladder or bowel issues
urinary or fecal incontinence
painful sex, including vaginismus, vulvodynia, vestibulitis, and/or scrotal pain
pain with/after ejaculation or orgasm
hip, low back, or pelvic girdle pain
coccyx or tailbone pain
sciatica or SI joint pain
interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome